The recognition of Maharashtra’s most talented was commemorated at the ET Edge Maharashtra Achievers Awards 2018. All prominent players in the business, media, technology, sports, and more were acknowledged and celebrated for their excellence at the event presented by the Money Trade Coin Group and powered by Ajeenkya DY Patil University. The event was also supported by Femina and was truly honored with the presence of Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis, the first lady of Maharashtra, Amruta Fadnavis along with revered members of the state cabinet like Minister of Finance & Planning, Sudhir Mungantiwar, and Minister of Water Resources, Girish Mahajan. The event also featured important guest speakers like Mr. Deepak Lamba, CEO of Worldwide Media, Tanya Chaitanya, Chief Community Officer and Editor of Femina, Dr. Amit M. Lakhanpal, Founder and Chairman of Money Trade Coin Group, and Dr. Ajeenkya DY Patil, President of Ajeenkya DY Patil University. The four reputable guests expressed their praise of the achievers present that night and established that these frontrunners would soon become the leaders of their fields. Besides these chief speakers, other noteworthy personalities from various industries graced the event and made an impact like social activist Mrs. Amruta Fadnavis, businessman Mr. Adar Poonawala, Director General of Police Satish Mathur, actors Shreyas Talpade, Sai Tamankar, Sonali Kulkarni, and Sachin Pilgaonkar as well as long-distance runner Lalita Babbar. The night ended in celebration with star host of the night, Siddharth Kannan, making the event all the more memorable.
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