Money Trade Coin has accomplished several milestones under the guidance of Dr. Amit Lakhanpal, Founder & Director of the company. Recently, Money Trade Coin is into the news for its announcement of the launch of (MTCX India), (MTCXO) and in India. We would like to show gratitude to media, for excellent coverage of the announcement and for communicating our aims to the audience. The list of media includes Vishwavani, The Goan Everyday, O Herald Goa & many more.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
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G20’s Agenda in the Washington Meet is to bring back Cryptocurrency Regulation
One of the largest economies in the world, the G20 had a meeting in Washington where their topic for discussion was to build a regulatory ...

As cryptocurrency is gaining whooping popularity globally, the concerns regarding the Digital assets reliability is also surging high. Th...
The announcement of the Indian Financial Budget for the FY18 and the Finance Ministers remarks on cryptocurrency has stirred up a new a...
According to India’s policy think tank which is Niti Aayog. They are reportedly seen working on the blockchain concept proof-of-concept (P...